Sunday, January 9, 2011

Calvin & Hobbes Snowmen Sugar Cookies - 100th Post

I've been reading a lot of Calvin & Hobbes lately.

I own all the books. I've reread them dozens of times. And I still cry a little inside when I read the Sunday comics in the newspaper and realize my favorite characters are nowhere to be found.

You see, I knew I had found the right doctor to fix me up after the accident when his waiting room was full of the same comic books I have at home. It ensures I get to my appointments a little early so I can pick up where I left off a few days before. It gives me something to chuckle about while they're moving my spine back into place. ::shudders::

I pretend I was actually injured while with Calvin & Hobbes on one of their soul searching sled rides, careening down the side of a steep mountain, only to end up in a slushy of half-frozen water from a pond at the bottom. It's a much more interesting story, that's for sure.

All those comics got me thinking and have inspired the recipe for my 100th post - Calvin & Hobbes Sugar Cookies. Err, rather their infamous snowmen. It at least looks like Calvin took over for his mom in the kitchen, so it counts.

It feels great to reach the 100th Post blogging milestone. I pledged to post more on my 1 year anniversary, and I have kept my word. I'll still be posting more inventive recipes in the new year, plus continuing my dairy series. And even if my virtual book club is sparse for a little while, I'll be sharing a book once a month, too.

Bill Watterson revealed that Calvin's snowmen were his [Watterson's] way of making fun of the "pretentious blowhards" of the art world. Calvin's attitude and intellect were a perfect match on mocking those who believe literally anything can be art - although Calvin still blows anyone out of the water.

This one is labeled by Calvin himself, called "Bourgeois Buffoon". Too bad his mom didn't approve his grant application. This series could have really advanced the avant-garde artworld.

This is a piece from Calvin's "Snowmen House of Horror" series. The others were judged too gruesome to be seen here.

Lastly, this is titled "All Knowing" since Calvin's parents proclaimed you could always tell when you got to their house after seeing his latest creation compared to the other neighborhood snowmen.

I used cream cheese to hold the snowmen together, but the marshmallows are really just for decoration. I popped them off before enjoying the sugar cookies as they were intended to be eaten (which are slightly overcooked since I couldn't hop off the couch fast enough - le sigh).

I hope you enjoyed this goofy recipe and thank you for helping me reach my 100th post. I think this is a great way to start the new year together.

Sugar Cookies

2 sticks butter, softened
1 cup turbinado
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 large egg
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup fine organic sugar

Preheat the oven to 375*F and line an extra large baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a stand mixer, add the butter and sugars and mix for 3 min. Meanwhile, whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt together and set aside.

Once the butter and sugars are creamed together, add the egg and vanilla, mixing well. Then slowly add the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

Use an ice cream scoop to measure out 12 large cookies. 
Before placing them on the baking sheet, roll the top and sides in fine sugar. 
Press down the cookies to help flatten them before setting them in the oven. Bake for 15 min.

Remove the cookies from the oven and allow them to cool on the baking sheet for 10 min before transferring to a cooling rack.


2 cups powdered sugar
2 tbsp raw milk

Mix the powdered sugar and milk together, adjusting the thickness to the desired consistency by either adding more powdered sugar to make it thick or more milk to make it thin.

~Yields 12 large sugar cookies.

~Recipe adapted from Brown Eyed Baker.


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post - It is quite an accomplishment. I am looking forward to the next 100.

  2. LOL, these are hilarious! We must have every Calvin & Hobbes comic family would love your cookies!

  3. Congras on your 100th and many many more to come... :)

  4. Congrats on your 100 post. I love Calvin and Hobbs. I will have to try the cookies.

  5. Congrats on your 100, congrats on feeling better...and THESE ARE AWESOME!! They are a PERFECT homage to Calvin and Hobbs! I can't get enough.

  6. Congrats on your 100th post! Those cookies are epic :D

  7. Awesome! I love it. Calvin & Hobbes will always be my favorite.

  8. Your snowmen are warped. But you knew that huh? Does this brand of humor stem from C and H? I honestly have never looked at the comic. GREG

  9. Congratulations Brie! These are hilarious - I am so glad you are maintaining your sense of humor through all this. You work it, girl!! xoxo

  10. Your pictures brought a huge smile to my face. Thanks :-) Love the I'm really craving one. Happy 100th post!!!

  11. Yea for 100! maybe someday you'll be saying this again in years :) I'm glad I found your blog again...this post reminded me of the cookies we made at the Environmental Education Center I run. We did the same thing but dyed them green and made them Frankensteins. Thanks for the reminder...I have some great pics of them and I should post them sometime :)

    Glad to have connected back with your blog now that I have refined mine...

  12. How cute! The cookies look amazing!!
